It is with great pleasure we meet here on this webpage. I invite you to be a part of history now. We are poised to take on the challenge of being who we are to become. It is my responsibility to seek out your distractions and assist you with reconstructing your vision in order to bring about your best self. You deserve it - The world needs it! Let's do it!

We are conditioned to learn as much as we can about how to live in a certain society and behave a specific way based on those norms and mores. In this New Era adjustments must be made to compete and win on a diverse scale. Using the IQ is standard. Enhancing the EQ is critical and developing your GQ is mandatory to stay ahead.
A Local DJ becomes International Consultant ... from a simple "mind-shift"
I'd done it all, so I thought.
Started my own business as a local DJ right out of high school. It FAILED. Went to local Jr College…I QUIT. I’m thinking to myself, taking inventory of my life in that moment…”is this how it’s going to be?” Is this my life? Well…
My brothers – both of them chose to go off to the military. After telling myself I was not going to the military I found myself enlisting in the US Air Force. I knew I would be told what to do, when to do it, and sometimes how it should be done. I valued my freedom to decide, to choose and this didn’t feel like a good fit for me. My dream of being an entrepreneur seemed to be a distant thought. Even though I learned some valuable skills and got my 1st college degree, chosen to represent the USAF 2x in the Military Olympics for Track and Field… I remember clearly thinking...
"There has got to be my time, my time when I start my own business – Be my own Boss" – There has to be a better way that I can take control of my life and have the Freedom I desire... [Read More]
GET YOUR FREE COPY OF A CHAPTER of my Personal and Professional Development Guide. For more details click here.

This worksheet will impact virtually every part of your marketing scheme. You will get very clear on who your ideal archetype is, where they frequent online/offline, and what is their biggest concern. What keeps them up at night, what is it they want to solve. Download the FREE Ideal Avatar Worksheet above.
What is a mindshift? How does it work; (Hint) Goals aren't enough.
Surely this is not goal setting…Tell me more
So what is the shift?
First, let me address the elephant in the room. Goals. Some people think of goals when they hear the word shift during a self-help or transformation session. This is not the case here. I don’t have you write up a lot of goals and make sure you use the “SMART” method. I think everyone knows the smart method true? Specific Measureable Achievable, Realistic, Timebound. We are a bit beyond that now. Goals fail. Here is what works.
The H.E.R.O. Model. This coaching model is named the High Excellence Results Option. After writing my book I spent considerable time developing a system of coaching based on what people wanted to achieve and what was needed to create the “shift.” High excellence was part assessment – part goal. Yet I still did not identify what caused the transformation in my clients. I looked for a pattern and noticed there was (what I call) a blind spot and filling this would get me the results that would last. The “shift” would emerge with a solid, unshakeable presence. [Read More]
3 Strategies to sever ties with Struggle to gain Prosperity
If you’re struggling, confused and truly tired of less than epic results…then be sure and stay and listen to this video until the end.
My name is Rashid Hill. Today I want to talk to you only if you’re ready to get results and get started working on your best future. You’re tired of the struggle and no results, trying to convince yourself to push through and keep your head up.
See there are 3 moves I use to help my clients get the results they want. We are talking about the struggle you have with attracting quality leads and qualified leaders. Leads; anyone can hunt down. Yet, you will be challenged to retain them and continue to be frustrated and stuck. So I’m not going to stand here and tell you that I’ve tried it all and can change everything for you…and I now have the perfect life.
Sure, I've done very well in my business; creating income opportunities for others.
I've had great fun traveling and making new friends and building new connections.
I've enjoyed the benefits of top producer in my direct sales company
Yes, it's been great and now we have learned the true ways to build and connect for long term success... how did we do it? What's next? [Read More]
10X Next Level Mastermind Community
Imagine where you will be 12 months from today…
*New Updated Video Coming!*
What if you had access to an amazing community of professionals, thought leaders and innovators?
Access to partners that helped me to grow and mentored me with mental and financial shifts that increased my results 10X and more!
It’s me Rashid again. I’m in this beautiful city (San Diego) at my home and I am speaking to all entrepreneurs who have earned or want to grow their business exponentially earning 6-7 figures!
You may ask yourself, what happens after that? What happens next? Do you have a plan for what happens after I attain that level of income? Now that I’ve built my Mega Team and life is good…what now? Then, you remember someone saying that a high percentage of entrepreneurs (especially networkers) in a very short period of time lose all they have worked so hard to build because you can’t take your foot off the gas. You must sell every single month in order to earn your income.
This is not the best plan for an entrepreneur and building wealth with time freedom. I know that when I research and decide to bring on a new opportunity I want to see my path to maximize my investment/deposit and when I can enjoy what is called true “passive income.” Find the best ROI. Want to know the plan? [Read More]
5-Day "Millionaire Mind" Clinic
In this 5 Day Challenge (2017) I asked people to "Challenge Yourself" for 5 days and keep that focus going into the new year. Very intense lessons and worthy of review if you want to raise you game to the Next Level.
Rashid Hill, The "10 X" Coach
Think BIG! Start small. This is the mantra that will keep you on course to your dreams. Meet Rashid Hill. Author, Speaker, Consultant, Career Strategist Coach & Strategic Intervention Specialist. More About Me...
JOIN our online community of thinkers, doers and Game Changers. Get the support and feedback you need to create and flourish with your idea. Leaders/Innovators welcome. Connect with us today.