How I became the change that I only spoke about
It all began with a thought. Or was it a "thump"... hmmm, not sure. No matter, yet we have pulled ourselves together and created this...

The 10 X Club for Next Level Leadershifts
10 X CLUB! Evolving with a mission Imagine where you will be 12 months from today… What if you had access to an amazing community of...

The 3 Secret Tips to Reduce Struggle while securing a path to Prosperity
The 3 Moves to Sever Ties with Struggle and Systemize your ideal path to Prosperity If you’re struggling, confused and truly tired of...

Mindshift; What is it? How does it work?
What is a Shift? Surely not goal setting…Tell me more So what is the shift? First, let me address the elephant in the room. Goals. Some...

From local DJ with 40 cent to International Consultant doing 40K per month
I had done it all, so I thought. Started my own business as a local DJ right out of high school. It FAILED. Went to local Jr College…I...