We are Passive Income Professionals (PIPs) We look at research, innovation and results. Relying on technological potential and innovative capabilities of each company and/or project that is added to our legacy wealth portfolio. We ensure that we provide our visitors with the best detail about investment opportunities that will maximize their returns. We are called Passive Income Portal (P.I.P.) We are investors, entrepreneurs, enthusiasts for blockchain, crypto/forex A.I. and related alternative passive income possibilities. Telegram Group: https://t.me/passiveincomepros
Key Alliance (Shareholders & Advisors)
Leticia A - Retired Military - Investor
Anthony Haile - Retired Military - Investor - Financial Educator
Dexter Moon - Chief Visionary, strategist and business partner
Marty Levergood - Chief trading strategist and mentor and membership site designer
Ritchel Hill - Stock trades student, entrepreneur of Rheemz Boutique, Advisor at Next Era Learning LLC
Innovative, Special, USP
Mission / Vision Statement:
We are because we serve our community by providing innovative & visionary high-tech income producing solutions in a simple, passive and sustainable platform. To reduce financial stress, raise our standards of living, disrupt the scarcity mentality and pivot toward a beautiful legacy.

When you stop, you fail...
When you keep going, you learn...
And when you learn, you succeed!