Special Crypto Investment

In 2022! Get Access To Multiple Streams of Wealth!
registered in the UAE; Blockchain hub of the world
DeFi Reimagined

As an ecosystem for the future of crypto and fiat payment ZENIQ is the right solution for your safe storage of all your digital assets. We want to empower the community to gain full control of their assets using our ZENIQ HUB.
Wouldn't it be great by having a permissionless peer to peer FIAT and crypto transactions? We combine our asset exchange platform with our strong crypto currency and modern mobile fiat banking in our seamless ecosystem.
ZENIQ provides you the opportunity to invest in products and projects in the early stage to enjoy strong profits and tokenized assets to increase your return on investment.
It's our goal to simplify online payments with crypto and unify digital money with our ZENIQ App. We will make businesses truly efficient, transparent and reliable.

How Do We Do It
Zeniq Technologies is a financial technology company managed by a group of crypto enthusiasts and business professionals. With the support of the Royal Family of UAE as well as the largest construction company Al Noobulah, Zeniq Technologies is poised to increase it's value 10x over the next 5 years. With a leading position in the Tokenization market, Zeniq has created stability and longevity into their business model and for their stakeholders.
Our team has an extensive staff of analysts and blockchain developers who specialize in the decentralized finance market. Thanks to the recent launch of the Zeniq Smart Chain during the ZenCon event in Mexico Zeniq has been able to deliver more projects to the public. AVINOC and TUPAN are new projects that are key to support the growth and value of the company moving forward.